
Showing posts from January, 2022


#1 - A SERIOUS COMMITMENT December 06, 2021 "I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds... deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10   10:04 AM (12/6/21): "Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... In existence, the principle of 'natural progression' seems prevalent... in how the universe operates... Just as one must understand addition and subtraction, before multiplication and division... or learn how to crawl, before walking... to be the 'afterlife Superman' or 'afterlife Superwoman'... one must distinguish oneself, in this life... by certain 'achievements,' which are aligned with spiritual, mental and physical... fortification..." - Michael Izuchukwu   10:17 AM (12/6/21):  “For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son …” - John 5:22 (reference to how Jesus Christ will judge an '